Tuesday, September 23, 2008


"Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." -Romans 5:3-4

I want to focus on what I'm trying to do but I find my mind wandering in a million different directions: it' s nice outside, I want to sleep, I want a cookie, I want to eat lunch, I don't want to but I can't help but stare at this stupid TV in front of me that throws a tumult of distracting images my way but I can't do anything about it because I'm at work and it just HAS to be on all day, every day, showing the erratic stock market that I could care nothing about! GRRRR!

Perseverance is a big part of who I am. It's easier for me to persevere in some areas of life than others. Usually when suffering is attached I want to retreat but during a recent difficult time, I've proven my ability to persevere even when my suffering has been incredibly intense. And as a result, I've developed a stronger character and hope is abundant.

In regard to Sapphire's Egypt, I've persevered with it for almost 8 years. It has been hard to keep faith at times but after any moment of wavering, my love for the story rekindles my passion and I'm reminded that all my toiling has been worth it even if it never makes it onto the book store shelves.

This story started out as a way for me to heal after a difficult time; it was very therapeutic. As I worked on Sapphire's character I was also working on my character. I've learned a lot about myself and even God though this series. So, I will keep on persevering!....Which means I should stop distracting myself and, you know....WRITE!

I don't know why I'm hesitating on continuing Chapter 26. I've been dying to write it! So GO!!!!

Words on paper mingled with blood
Passion surges like electricity through wires
Thoughts- mere sparks from flint
Ignite the forest where he had once tread;
A forest of flame in himself
Madu Kahotep

Monday, September 22, 2008

Website almost ready, book almost done!

My Sapphire's Egypt Website is coming along most fabulously! My Web Designer ROCKS! You know you do, Mrs. V!

I can't wait to have the finished product! This has been such a fun process for me and it's actually helped me put things into perspective about my story as I'm finishing up this...what is it now?...4th rewrite on the first book in the series? But that's how it goes!

I'm currently working on the 26th Chapter, "By Starlight." WEEE! I have been envisioning this chapter for some time now and am so excited to be working on it FINALLY! It's going to be great! Hee, hee... After this chapter I have 5 more to write and then I'll be inserting the ending that's pretty much finished aside from some minor editing. I can't wait!

I've hired a grant writer, who is trying to get me money so that I can self publish this first book since I'm not having any luck with Agents. The conventional route never seems to work with me anyway...HAHA!

I suppose I should be working on the story now, so I'm gonna go! Maybe my next blog will be a little more creative!